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1994 Draft Rules


  • The Draft will begin at a date to be announced, usually I wait until we have around 10 participants to lock in a date. I expect it to be a multi day project. The Draft will run daily between 11am and 6pm.
  • This will be a snake Draft, in other words, the draft order is reversed every round. Example: Round One – 1 to 28, Round Two – 28 to 1, etc.
  • I intend this to be a fun/no-stress project, so there will be no strict time limit between selections (although when it’s your turn, you will need to make a selection by the end of the day), I will text or email the participants when it’s their turn to select a player. I’ll check back periodically if I don’t hear back from the participant. To keep things moving, if you don’t respond by the end of the day, I will select for you the next available best player based on the APBA rankings.
  • The Draft process will be visible to all participants via an online excel document.
  • You can also inform me if you won’t be able make your scheduled draft pick, I will make the selection for you based on the best available APBA player ranking.
  • Roster size – 35 players (hitters/pitcher ratio determined by the GM) All players will be active.
  • You will need to have all positions covered  – minimum 10 games played are required to qualify as the primary player at a position.
  • You must have a minimum of 925 innings, although the recommended target should be 970.
  • You should plan on acquiring a minimum of 450 or more plate appearances per position.
  • DH position will be used.
  • Lineups and Micro Managers will be determined after the Draft.
  • There will be a total of 28 teams, no Divisions or Leagues – each team will play every other team 6 times for a total of 162 games.
  • After the draft, multiple seasons will be simulated, the team that wins 4 seasons first will be crowned the World Series champion.
  • In the event of a tie, the winning team will be determined by the best Run Differential. The second tie breaker will be the team records against each other.