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Branch Richards

Branch Richards I -AIM, Draft, Post-War, DH/non-DH capable, best with “Maximum Batters Faced” on but not required (2011 edition).

Branch Richards I is an AIM draft manager designed generally to handle post-war games. He can, however, be used for other pre-modern games but his player usage, especially with pitching, may be too aggressive for such competition. Best with MBFs/BFs for pitchers on but this isn’t mandatory. Cannot be used with AIM off. Richards is a clone manager of Buck Miller IV with a number of key changes. Chiefly a slower hook, less aggressive use of the bench and overall a more conservative, stand pat style. For those who use Miller IV but find him too aggressive, Richards I might be an ideal replacement.

As stated above, Richards I does not set aside starting pitchers. Any pitcher will be used in relief. Additionally, this version should correct any previous problems with the use (or non-use) of split- or dual-grade pitchers. Remember, however, to check the relieving durability (QR) of that pitcher. Just because they had split grades does NOT mean that Richards I will use them in long relief. If they have a QR of 3, they are considered short role relievers and will, for the most part, not be used in relief.

Richards selects closers late by adjusted grades (grade plus or minus control ratings)).

Normal closers will be those with adjusted grades of between 13 and 16. Super type closers (e.g., a Rivera) will have 17 plus grades. For the most part, he will use closers for one inning; however in critical situations (2 runners on, one or more outs, in the eighth) he will spot the closer for a inning+ of work. Additionally, if the closers have low QRs (2/1) they will also be used for multiple innings (usually a maximum of 2). Remember, RRs are important as well. Setup relievers are heavily employed, especially with platoon advantages. One batter relief specialist (e.g, average less than one inning per outing) are also used.

Low inning starters will be somewhat quickly to save their innings. Also, with safe leads, starters will be yanked especially if the bullpen is strong and/or itchy relievers need outings. However, as noted above, this is more conservative than with the Miller managers.

Note: a tough area to program is middle or long relief. If your team doesn’t have a long reliever type (e.g, QR of 2/1), Richards will try and rotate several short relief types (low grades/saves) for early-to-mid inning outings.


Both steal and H&R and steal chance driven. Stealing is limited to 100% or historic totals. Bunting is quite limited to low power/average hitters early; little more aggressive late in critical situations. SO per AB and SH per AB are critical factors in bunting (other factors are also considered). Aggressive PHing with platoon disadvantages. Will PH to pad lead late (but not for best defensive players); for DH with platoon disadvantage; for a better H&R; to bunt late; for an announced PHer against a new pitcher with a platoon advantage.

Aggressive subbing in blowouts; DS, PH for star players, PR for stars and subbing defensively will be seen. Base advancement based on advance chances (internal number provided by game plus OF/Inf arm plus speed).