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Cap Spalding 4

Cap Spalding IV: AIM, Manager – 2009 Version (2/1/2009)

Cap Spalding IV is an AIM version of the revised or updated version Cap Spalding III.  If you wish to have AIM off, use Spalding III. If you have AIM on, use this version.

Like Spalding III, this version is designed to handle draft leagues only. He is not designed to manage replays or historical seasons or games.

As noted with Spalding III, this edition corrects programming errors or “unwise” strategies contained in earlier versions such as Cap Spalding and Cap Spalding Jr.

It also includes some new modern-oriented strategies such as: a pinch hit for star players in lopsided games, a PH for an announced pinch hitter, greater use of relief specialists (the 1/2 batter pitchers, usually lefthanders who averaged less than an inning per outing), smarter pitcher usage with the DH only, et cetera.

With the addition of AIM strategies, you’ll see Spalding 4 use itchy players in lopsided games and well as considering AIM status and/or Readiness Ratings of pitchers when used in relief.

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As noted above, Spalding 4 is not designed to manage historical replays. He won’t replicate actual key stats such as complete games, saves, steals, et cetera.

The pitching difference is due, in large part, to his selection of closers (called “stoppers”) by adjusted grade (that is, grade plus control ratings) and not actual saves. So, a high grade reliever with few saves will be used as a closer over lower grade relievers with high save totals. This will obviously lead to ahistorical results such as a reliever with 1 or 2 saves compiling 20+ saves while a reliever with 20 saves getting none.

Remember that RR and/or AIM status will greatly influence relief usage. If a top closer has a low RR (say 1 or 2), it’s very unlikely they’ll be used.

In addition to the ranking of closers by grades, all of Spalding 4 steal strategies heavily rely on steal success or steal chance ratings. So, runners with high steal attempts but mediocre or poor steal success (such as those in the deadball era) will not run much, if at all.

Base runners with high success but low attempts will not, however, compile high attempts (you should see players acquire about 100% of their historic totals with the exception noted above).

Additionally, while this version is more “in tune” with pitcher usage, it will still use a quick hook with starters in particular. Those pitchers with relatively high complete game totals will likely (depending on the bullpen) not garner high CG totals. You should see, for example, fulltime starters (200+ innings) get roughly 4-6 complete games. You’ll likely never see them get 12+ CGs. Most of this is due to the high usage of higher grade closers. With such emphasis on grades – and for the most part, most relievers having higher grades than closers – fewer 9 inning outings will accrue.