Gene Collins, developed by Steven Galbraith, is a non-DH, AIM manager designed for contemporary teams (1985-present).Collins’ relief strategies center on getting to the supercloser. He likes platoon advantage and the double switch, but eschews one-run strategies. He’ll rest benched stars and pull starters quickly in a safe game. If you’re playing today’s teams solo or doing full- season replays, Gene Collins is a disciplined new skipper.
Collins approaches games in the following manner:
Pitching Changes. Because modern staffs are essentially built around “superclosers” (specialists with 25-50+ saves), Collins’ relief strategies center around setting up a starter or reliever for these types of pitchers. Thus, pitchers seldom pitch complete games. Instead, they are quickly pulled or pinchhit for if leading and setup relievers are used. These setup relievers then hold the lead for several innings or until the ninth when the “supercloser” is brought in. This is done even if the pitcher has a shutout – although Collins will stay longer with high inning (or low QS) starters.
Collins has two other fundamental strategies to note: (a) “rotating” relievers and (b) using very short relievers for oneor two batters. The first – “rotating” relievers – entails limiting a pitcher’s performance to one or two innings. So you will often see Collins – even in lopsided games – using two orthree relievers over the final two-three innings of a game.
Second, Collins like to use “one batter” specialists in key situations during a game. Usually, but not exclusively lefthanders, these pitchers average on the season less than 1inning per appearance and are used to get a key out in a close game. They are then quickly pulled.
Offensive Style/Trends. Collins, as he does defensively, like to play the left-vs-righty platoon advantage. However, he is more conservative with this approach early in a game, waiting, in many cases, until after the 7th to start making moves. However, he will occasionally – if the team is having trouble scoring runs – take a shot in the 6th to get back in the game if the opportunity arises. Collins will, as is the general current trend, use the double switch extensively, both when losing and when winning.
Collins does not play “little ball” (e.g, bunts, H&R, steals) a great deal in the middle innings. However, he does like to run early in a game – again, if conditions favor it. Late, he tends to be more conservative if the team is tied or down. Here, he favors moving the runners up with the sacrifice.
Other strategies to note: Collins, in lopsided games, will pinchhit, pinchrun or sub defensively for star players. Additionally, he tends to keep rested or benched star players on the bench, except in emergencies or when the game is on the line. He also will save starters in a one-side game, pulling them very quickly when the game is safe at hand, even if the pitcher has a shutout.